In 1999, the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania Communication Association (then SCAP – Speech Communication Association of Pennsylvania) decided to sponsor a series of publications honoring contributions to our understanding of human communication made by outstanding scholars who spend a significant portion of their careers researching and teaching in Pennsylvania. The publications were not to be primarily biographical, but rather to contain essays that featured the intellectual contributions of the scholar, either by dealing directly with the scholar’s research or teaching, or by reflecting the scholar’s attitudes, values, and perspective. Since then 8 issues were published:
1. Carroll C. Arnold. “When Words Become Dances” (2002) .pdf
2. Henry W. Johnstone, Jr. “The Dialogue of Philosophy and Rhetoric” (2003) .pdf
3. Gerald M. Phillips. “Communication’s Last Renaissance Man” (2005) .pdf
4. Herman Cohen. “Historian of the Discipline” (2008) .pdf
5. Robert T. Oliver. “Standard Bearer of the Discipline” (2010) .pdf
6. Kathleen Hall Jamison. “Standard Bearer of the Discipline” (2012) .pdf
7. Richard B. Gregg. “Builder of the Discipline” (2014) .pdf
8. Gerard A. Hauser. “Rhetorical Scholar of the Public Sphere” (2016) .pdf
9. Marie Hochmuth Nichols. “Rhetoric and Character” (2019) .pdf