The PCA writing competition aims to encourage and give recognition to undergraduate and graduate level scholarship in communication and to offer undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to present their work at the 80th Annual Pennsylvania Communication Association (PCA) Convention.
Graduate Writing Winners
“An Icon of Dialogic Courage: Response to the Absurd of the Unity of Contraries”
Natalia Wohar, Duquesne University
“Revitalization Through Crisis: Narrative Ground, Ventriloquism, and Transfiguration”
Preston Carmack, Duquesne University
“Biomedical Communicative Biases Towards Down Syndrome Fetuses: An Imposition of Necroliberal Ideology in Society”
Michaela Christenson, Duquesne University
Undergraduate Writing Winners
“Social Constructionism and Facebook Comments About School Masking Policies”
Brianna Hall, Penn State University
“Bi the Way, Don’t Pan-ic: An Interview-Based Study of the Coming Out Experience of College-Aged Bisexuals and Pansexuals”
Annie Stockmal, Ursinus College
“Examining Ecofeminist Theory Through the Lens of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Transcendentalist Philosophy in Nature”
Kaylee Pivirotto, Seton Hill University