
Pennsylvania Communication Association By-Laws (Published April 13, 2004-amended October 2015)



The name of this organization is the Pennsylvania Communication Association, Inc., herein known as PCA.


PCA is dedicated to the research in, ethical use of, and education for excellent oral communication in every human activity but especially those in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Specifically, its members seek to:

  1. Advance the field of communication in teaching, scholarship, and service in academic, community and business settings.
    b. Encourage recognition of communication as a critical area of research and teaching.
    c. Communicate emerging concerns regarding communication practices to decision makers in government, the arts, public and private organizations and the marketplace.


Section 1.  Membership is open to all individuals engaged in, working with, or concerned about the discipline of communication.

Section 2. The types of membership in PCA will be: Institutional, Sustaining, Regular, Student, Retired Faculty, and Honorary Life.

Section 3. Persons applying for membership in the Institutional, Sustaining, Retired Faculty or Regular categories become members upon written application and payment of current dues. Membership is for one year, commencing September 1 and expiring August 31.

Section 4.  Honorary Life membership is granted automatically to all former PCA presidents who are members at the time of their employment retirement.  Other honorary life memberships may be conferred upon a member at the time of employment retirement by a majority vote of the Executive Council, when the Council decides that the member’s contribution to his/her life’s work and PCA warrant special recognition.  All Honorary Life members will be notified of their recognition by the executive director, and their names will be printed in the yearly PCA convention program.

Section 5.  Student membership is granted to a graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in a Pennsylvania institution of higher learning in either of two ways:

  1. An individual student may make application and pay the current student dues.
    b. A campus chapter of PCA may enroll its own students as student members if the chapter is certified according to the requirements of Article VIII.


Section 1. The officers of PCA will be a president, vice president, second vice president, executive director, public relations, PCA ANNUAL editor, and two members-at-large.

Section 2. An Executive Director of PCA shall be named to, among other duties, create continuity across changing officer positions. His/her duties are explained in Section 12 of this Article IV.

Section 3.  The term of office for the president and vice president will be for one year.  The term of office for members-at-large will be for two years, and that of the executive director, public relations, and the PCA ANNUAL editor will be for three years. All officers’ terms, except that of the PCA ANNUAL editor, commence at the conclusion of the convention during which they are elected. The editor’s term will commence after his/her three year term and the forthcoming volume of the ANNUAL has been delivered. One of the members-at-large will be elected in even years and one in odd-numbered years. The editor will serve as a member of the nominating committee for the purpose of nominating a new editor. The Executive Director will be elected at the annual convention and continue to serve from October to October at the ongoing will of the executive committee, to be voted upon annually during the summer semi-annual meeting.

Section 4.  No officer, with the exception of the members-at-large, public relations, and the executive director, may hold his/her office for more than one successive term, but any officer may run for another officer vacancy.

Section 5.  The president of PCA will function as its chief executive officer.  In that capacity, s/he will perform, but not be limited to, the following duties:

  1. Be responsible for carrying out the will of the members and Executive Council.
    b. Chair all general business and Executive Council meetings, after having prepared their agenda and notified their members.
    c. With the executive director, oversee the daily business of the organization.
    d. Be the chief liaison between the Executive Director and the membership.
    e. Authorize the executive director to pay all approved bills, except as otherwise provided in these by-laws.
    f. Represent the organization to all groups and bodies.
    g. Appoint needed committees and their chairs except those constituted differently in accord with these by-laws.
    h. Present written warning to any interest council in violation of Article X Section 5.
    i. Write and design the semi-annual newsletter to advise the membership of convention news by the February following the prior year’s convention.

Section 6.  The vice president will perform, but not be limited to, the following duties:

  1. Succeed to the presidency at the conclusion of the current president’s term.  In the case of the resignation or disability of the president, the vice president will serve as president for the unexpired term and then begin his/her own presidential term.
    b. Perform any presidential duty as requested by the current president or in the president’s absence.
    c. Plan the annual convention held during a vice presidential year with rights to:
    1. Appoint a second vice president who will assist the vice president in all matters related to the effective execution of an annual convention. The second vice president will, by virtue of the office, serve on the Executive Council during his/her appointment year.
    2. Appoint whatever committees s/he and the second vice-president deem necessary for the annual convention.  Such committees terminate upon the completion of the annual convention.
    3. Disperse the monies of the annual convention operating budget, this budget set by the Executive Council.
    4. Collect and forward to the executive director all receipts for expenses incurred.
    5. Act as the final authority on all matters relating to the annual convention, except those exempted by these by-laws.
    6. Appoint the members-at-large to various duties associated with the annual convention and provided for in these by-laws.
    d. Write and design the semi-annual newsletter to advise the membership of upcoming convention by August.

Section 7.  The PCA ANNUAL editor will be responsible for representing the organization through its journal and other publications as authorized by the Executive Council.  His/Her duties in this capacity will consist of, but not be limited to:

  1. Soliciting articles for, editing, and publishing the PCA ANNUAL so that the journal is recognized as an outstanding scholarly work of interest to the diverse members of PCA.  In this endeavor, he/she acts to:
    1. Select an editorial board to help insure the best manuscripts for publication.
    2. Serve as the final authority on all editorial policies, except finance.
    3. Disperse the monies budgeted and approved by the Executive Council.
    4. Negotiate with printers, distributors, and other individuals so cost effectiveness for publications is maximized.
    b. Except for the NEWSLETTER, publishing whatever other materials the Executive Council authorizes, so that the highest standards of good written communication are maintained.

Section 8.  The two members-at-large will perform, but not be limited to, the following duties:

  1. Assist the various officers in the performance of their duties as requested by these people.
    b. Serve as special assistants to the vice president, and at his/her request help in the planning and execution of the annual convention, especially by:
    1. Coordinating operations of convention as requested by the Vice President.
    2. Assisting with coordination of registration in consultation with the Executive Director.
    3. Proofreading the convention program and other materials.
    4. Gathering information to include in convention packets (folders)
    c. Aid the membership chair in contacting possible members, seeking out those new to the organization during the convention, and suggesting ways to increase membership in areas under-represented in the organization.
    d. Represent PCA, at the request of the president, before various bodies and organizations.
    e. Serve on the Nominating Committee.

Section 9.  At the discretion of the needs of the incoming-vice president, a second vice-president will be appointed by the incoming vice-president to serve for one year and be responsible for local arrangements and coordination of convention activities.

Section 10.  The Executive Director will facilitate the work of the Executive Committee and enhances the reputation of the PCA locally and nationally. His/Her duties in this capacity will take on the responsibilities of treasurer and secretary and will consist of, but not be limited to:

  1. Serving as PCA’s representative to the National Communication Association. She/He will bring Pennsylvania’s issues of importance to the attention of the national body, its boards, councils, and committees. She/He also serves as the course of information from the national organization to PCA.. Assisting with the annual awards process, including but not limited to:
  2. accepting nominations from nominators
    2. copying nominations for distribution to the appropriate decision makers
    3. preparing letters for president’s signature, advising winners of their award and invite to the annual convention
    4. finding the appropriate members to assist with each award winner’s citation to be read at the annual banquet, including the past year’s recipients.
    5. coordinating the preparation of the award (plaque).
  3. Writing commendation letters as directed by the resolutions committee.
  4. Working toward the organizing of finances and non-profit status for PCA.
  5. Consult with the president in all matters relating to the organization.
    f. Keep all minutes of the organization’s meetings.
    g. Maintain all records, committee reports, membership rosters, and correspondence of PCA.
    h. Maintain and transfer to his/her successor a complete digest of decisions containing minutes of all past meetings.
    i. Serve as corresponding secretary for matters relating to PCA or at the request of the president.
    j. Provide annual notification of membership renewal opportunities for those who have not renewed their membership by attending the annual convention.
  6. Consult with the president in all matters relating to the organization.
    l. Prepare the yearly budget and collect all dues and fees.
    m. Pay all the organization’s bills approved by the president, except those exempted in these by-laws, and maintain receipts for all payment in accord with good accounting principles.
    n. Responsible for presenting a semi-annual compilation of the Association’s financial status to the President, and for submitting the necessary substantiation to that the executive committee at the end of each fiscal year for examination.  At the conclusion of each three-year term of office, or upon his/her resignation, the Executive Director shall present all necessary substantiation to an external third-party auditor for an appropriate analysis.
    o. Prepare a year-end financial report for distribution at the convention general business meeting.

Section 11.  The Public Relations Officer will work to promote the works of the PCA throughout the state and country. His/Her duties in this capacity will consist of, but not be limited to:

  1. Ensuring that press releases be sent to local, state, regional and national media outlets and agencies, when and where appropriate, especially to announce the annual convention and to garner award nominations.
    b. Solicit advertising copy, propose rate schedules for approval by the Executive Council, and oversee effective publication of advertising for the PCA ANNUAL, the convention program, and all other PCA publications.
    c. Overall coordination of recruitment of new members. The public relations officer, with the assistance of the executive director, should design and executes an on-going campaign to maintain current members and attract new ones, especially in areas where membership is under-represented in PCA.


Section 1.  Any vacancy occurring during the term of an elected officer, other than that in the office of the president, will be filled by the Executive Council until the next annual convention, at which time the membership will elect an officer to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.

Section 2. The immediate past president of PCA will serve as the chair of the Nominating Committee, along with one member-at-large and whatever additional committee membership the chair deems necessary.

Section 3.  The Nominating Committee will submit to the Executive Council for their approval at the spring meeting a slate of at least one name for each officer vacancy.  Persons nominated must have agreed to serve if elected and will submit a brief statement of their goals of office for publication in the NEWSLETTER prior to the annual convention.

Section 4. In the nomination of the Executive Director, an editor and/or an executive director, the Nominating Committee must receive from the home institution of the candidate, agreement to provide resources necessary for these people to carry out their duties.

Section 5. Except in the case of the Executive Director and the editor of the ANNUAL, members have the right to offer additional nominations during the annual convention business meeting providing that the nominee has agreed to serve, is given the opportunity to make a brief statement of his/her goals of office, and, in the case of the executive director, has secured agreement from the candidate’s home institution to provide necessary resources.

Section 6. The incoming editor of the PCA ANNUAL will be elected by the Executive Council at its first meeting at the annual convention of the year prior to the commencement of the editor’s term.  Candidates for the editorship must secure approval from their institutions for the financial resources necessary to carry out the editor’s duties. Elections for all other officers will be held at the annual convention business meeting and overseen by the Nominating Committee.  If there are at least two candidates for a given office, the vote will be by secret ballot and a majority of those casting votes will be required for election.  In case no candidate receives a majority for two successive ballots, the person with the lowest recorded vote will be dropped in the succeeding ballots until a candidate receives the necessary majority.

Section 7.  An officer or committee chair can be removed from office if:

  1. A petition signed by at least twenty-five members asks for an impeachment hearing.
    b. The petition must state the specific charge for which removal is sought.
    c. The member so charged must be notified about the specific charges and given the opportunity to respond.
    d. The Executive Council, after considering the charges and hearing the response of the member so charged, votes by a two-thirds secret ballot decision in favor of removal.
    e. The president will chair the Executive Council during the hearing unless s/he is the officer charged. In such a case, the vice president will chair.


Section 1. The Executive Council will consist of the officers of the organization, the Interest Council Chairs or Chairs-Elect and, if the president elects to appoint an Archivist, this person and the Executive Director attends ex-officio, non-voting.

Section 2.  As the governing body of the organization, the Executive Council members are responsible for the individual duties their various positions require and for the overall administration of PCA. In this general capacity, the Executive Council will decide by a majority vote of the members present, except in the case of a removal hearing, to:

  1. Approve all financial budgets for the organization
    b. Set membership fees in all categories.
    c. Aid the officers in the execution of their duties by offering advice and assistance.
    d. Approve new interest councils and disband existing councils.
    e. Arrange affiliation/disaffiliation with national/state/local associations concerned with the same purposes as those of PCA.
    f. Approve the selection of the winners of the Donald Ecroyd, the William Tacey, Jeanne Lutz, the Carroll Arnold, Robert T. Oliver, the Harvey R. Kelley, Pennylvania Speaker of the Year, Voice of Tomorrow and the Julia T. Wood Awards.
    g. Provide whatever guidance and service PCA requires, upon request of its officers.
    h. Serve as a hearing board in the case of officer or chairperson removal.
    i. Serve as the final decision-maker in the case of disputed termination of an ad hoc committee.
    j. Approve student chapters of PCA.

Section 3.  The Executive Council will meet at least twice each year, one of those meetings to coincide with the annual convention. One meeting should be at the end of a school year in order to begin planning the fall convention. The President will notify the members in writing of the time and place of such meetings and send each an agenda at lease three calendar weeks before the scheduled meeting.  A quorum of the council will be a majority of its members.


Section 1. The standing committees of PCA are:  Nominating Committee and the Public Relations Committee.

Section 2.  The Nominating Committee, initiated in June of each year at the latest, and chaired by the immediate past president, oversees the nomination and election of all officer vacancies as stipulated in Article V. The committee should also consist of the Executive Director and one member of the Past President’s Club, as chosen by the chair.

Section 3.   The Public Relations Committee is chaired by the public relations officer and will be charged with developing and implementing a public relations program. The program must be approved by the executive council.  Members of this committee will be appointed by the president and public relations officer.

Section 4.  The president may appoint whatever ad hoc committees s/he deems necessary, such committees having responsibility to the president and the Executive Council. Such committees terminate ordinarily when the task for which they were constituted is completed. In case of dispute over the completion of a given task, the Executive Council will decide whether the committee is to continue.

Section 5.  All chairs of standing committees will submit a written report of their yearly progress in meeting the charge assigned to that committee. Such reports are due to the executive director by the annual convention. A summary of this report will be given orally to the membership during the annual convention business meeting. Chairs of ad hoc committees should submit their written reports to the president upon completion of the task for which the committee was constituted. The president may, at his/her option, request the chair to provide an oral summary of the report at the annual convention business meeting.

Section 6. No committee may incur expenses without the approval of the Executive Council. Neither may any committee or its individual members speak for PCA or use the organization’s name without notification to and approval of the president.


Section 1.  Any Pennsylvania institution of higher learning may make application to the Executive Council for status as a chapter of PCA. The Council will approve a chapter by a majority vote of its members when an institution meets the following provisions of:

  1. Being an accredited college or university within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    b. Offering courses and/or degree programs within areas traditionally associated with communication.
    c. Subscribing to the same aims of excellence and fulfillment of purpose as those stated in Article II.
    d. Submitting to the Council the standards by which the institution selects its student members and the process through which a student is declared a member.
    e. Applying for chapter status and maintaining the standards by which the chapter was originally declared eligible.
    f. Submitting a set of local by-laws by which the chapter will govern itself.  These by-laws must conform to the provisions of the state by-laws which are, in all cases, the superseding document.

Section 2.  An institution declared eligible as a chapter of PCA will be given a chapter designation name and may:

  1. Submit a yearly list of student members who, paying the PCA student membership fees then current, are declared student members and are issued certificates of membership by the executive director.
    b. Assess additional local fees for its own use in conformity to its local by-laws.
    c. Alone, or in conjunction with another chapter or chapters, petition the vice president for a program slot at the annual convention. The vice president will decide on the merit of the proposal and its disposition.
    d. Issue local merit awards, honorary titles, and other tokens of recognition to student members in the name of the PCA chapter.
    e. Elect officers to direct the business of the local chapter.
    f. Volunteer its services to PCA in ways appropriate to the purpose of the organization and/or the effective execution of the annual convention.


Section 1.  At least once each year, at a time and place recommended by the past president, the Executive Council will approve a yearly convention.  Such approval must be granted at least two years in advance of the anticipated date.  Selection of the location for the convention should be guided by ease of accessibility, cost, and appropriateness of local resources.

Section 2.  The annual convention should bring together members and prospective members so that:

  1. Programs of highest quality will be presented.
    b. Interest councils can hold their business meetings.
    c. PCA can hold its yearly business meeting, elect persons to vacancies, and attend to the concerns of the organization.
    d. The Executive Council of PCA can meet.
    e. Issues of concern to the organization and the Commonwealth might be discussed and action begun.
    f. Bonds of professional and social affiliation can be established and maintained.

Section 3.  At the yearly convention, an all-member business meeting, chaired by the president, will convene so that:

  1. Election of persons to vacancies will take place.
    b. The business of the organization needing member approval could be resolved.
    c. Committee reports can be heard.
    d. Member concerns could be heard.

Section 4.  The Executive Council meetings will take place according to the provisions of Article VI.

  1.  Emergency meetings can be called by the president or by petition of one-third of the Council’s members.

Section 5.  Chairs of standing and ad hoc committees will hold their meetings at times and places needed to complete the tasks for which their committees are charged.


Section 1. PCA will consist of interest councils whose task it is to provide leadership in the various areas designated in the organization’s purposes and the Council’s specific objectives.

Section 2. Each interest council will consist of at least five (5) members. Each interest council will gather during the early part of the convention and elect its own chair for a one-year term. The chair will direct the business of the interest council and act as its spokesperson to the Executive Council, where the interest council has one vote.

Section 3.  The interest councils act as the focus of opinion, communication, and action of the areas they represent.  In this capacity each interest council:

  1. Reviews the objectives set for it by its predecessors, then revise them as current members see fit, and work throughout the year to make progress in meeting the goals of the objectives.
    b. Informs the Executive Council through the president of concerns raised in Pennsylvania and the broader world dealing with its interest area.
    c. Suggests actions to the Executive Council to resolve problems, maintain standards, and raise questions regarding or stemming from its interest area. Each interest council will be granted at least one program slot by the vice president and additional slots as time and appropriateness permit. The vice president is the final authority on numbers of slots permitted beyond the first.

Section 4.  A group of persons bound by some interest area within communication will become an interest council when they:

  1. Secure at least twenty signatures of PCA members on a petition designating their intention to begin a new interest council.
    b. Present this petition to the Executive Council through the president.
    c. Hold a business meeting at the yearly convention following their petition presentation. The purpose of this initial meeting is to assess interest, elect a provisional chair and chair-elect, and begin work on specific goals distinct from those of any other interest council.
    d. Present to the Executive Council at a subsequent meeting a written rationale, statement of goals, and request for provisional status. The Executive Council must accept the provisional interest council by a vote of at least two-thirds. Rejection of the petition must be based on perceived lack of interest, duplication of another interest council’s work, or goals falling outside the purposes of PCA.
    e. A provisional interest council will share a program with another interest council or other PCA-sponsored slot at the following annual convention.
    f. The provisional interest council will elect its first chair and upon submitting the name to the Executive Council, be approved to full status.

Section 5.  Each interest council must verify through a report written by its chair to the Executive Council its membership and progress toward achieving its objectives. Action to disband a council will commence by issuing a warning to the chair and any listed members of the interest council when, for two consecutive years, any two of the following take place:

  1. Its business meeting is attended by less than five people.
    b. It does not present a program in two consecutive years.
    c. It cannot fill its chair position.
    d. It does not file its report on membership and progress toward objectives.
    e. It petitions to be disbanded.

Any Executive Council member can begin the disbanding process when there is evidence that the actions stated above have not taken place. If the condition(s) that initiated the warning do not improve, the Executive Council will, by a two-thirds vote, disband the interest council.

Section 6.  An interest council might also petition the Executive Council to combine with another existing council. Both interest councils involved must approve the merger, and a suitable name reflecting the shared interest must be found.

Section 7.  PCA may, with the approval of its Executive Council and the Association at its regular business meeting, bring into being Association Clubs. Such clubs are associations of people whose interests are rooted in PCA, but whose duties do not fit either committee or interest council constraints. Once approved, such clubs and their duties will be entered into these by-laws, with dates of approval, through the regular amendment procedure.
a. The Past Presidents Club, predating these procedures and brought into existence in 1987, is chaired by the immediate past president of the Association, who takes office at the conclusion of the presidential term.  All former elected Presidents are members of this club at the conclusion of their term of office by virtue of their past officership. The duties of the Past Presidents Club will include but not be limited to:
1. Serving as a source of information, history, and advice to the organization and its Executive Council.
2. Providing whatever service to the organization the members deem appropriate and the Executive Council finds helpful.
3. Presenting a program at the yearly convention if the members choose and the vice president approves.
4. Meeting at the yearly convention to conduct its business at a time and place set by the vice president and chaired by the immediate past president.


The Executive Director working with the Executive Committee and membership of PCA will solicit nominations from appropriate sources for the awards listed below. The nominator for any award must be a member of PCA. All awards will be confirmed by a single majority vote at the annual spring gathering of the executive committee, except where noted by special election/committee.

Section 1.  The Carroll Arnold Distinguished Service Award recognizes contributions of a PCA member to the profession and/or to PCA. The award could be for long and faithful service, outstanding teaching, distinctive service, and/or a single outstanding contribution.

  1. The nominator should be a member of PCA and nominations should be sent to the executive director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    b. The Arnold award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the previous year’s Arnold Award recipient, or if unavailable, a designee of the PCA President.

Section 2.  The Donald Ecroyd Research and Scholarship Award recognizes a PCA member who has a commitment to and a sustained record of research and publication in the field of communication. The recipient must be currently engaged in research and/or publication and have published significant scholarship in professional or academic journals or books. The nominee must be a member in good standing of PCA.

  1. The nominator should be a member of PCA and nominations should be sent to the executive director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    b. The Ecroyd Award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the previous year’s Ecroyd Award recipient or, if unavailable, a designee of the PCA President.

Section 3.  The Harvey Kelly Excellence in Teaching Award is to recognize a PCA member who has demonstrated a passion for and a mastery of teaching, both in and out of the classroom. The award could be for innovative methods in the classroom, community-based education, demonstrated impact, lifetime accomplishment, or a single exceptional accomplishment. Persons eligible for this award must be a PCA member.

  1. The nominator should be a member of PCA and nominations should be sent to the executive director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    b. The Kelly Award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the previous year’s Kelly Award recipient or, if unavailable, a designee of the PCA President.

Section 4:  The Jeanne Lutz High School Speaker of the Year Award recognizes excellent communicators and/or role models at the high-school level. An attempt will be made to receive nominations from high school teachers.

  1. Nomination Guidelines:
    1. submit a resume of the student’s academic and extracurricular record.
    2. submit a video tape, if possible, of work prepared and presented by the student.
    3. the nominated student must submit a 300 – 500 word essay about the importance of speech communication and/or its related activities to him/her as a high school student.
    4. Nominations should be sent to the executive director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    b. The Lutz award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the PCA President or a designee of the President.

Section 5.  The Robert T. Oliver Lifetime Achievement Award honors an exceptional PCA member at, during, or near (within five years) retirement. The award is to be made to honor people in various aspects of communication within which members ordinarily work. Because of its recognition and long-standing work, there is no expectation that the award must be given yearly, as in the case with other PCA awards.

  1. The Past President’s Club, chaired by the Immediate Past President, should solicit nominations from the entire membership and meet during the convention to offer names of potential nominees to the Executive Director.
    b. The Oliver Award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the previous year’s Oliver Award recipient, or if unavailable, a designee of the PCA President.

Section 6.  The William Tacey School of the Year Award honors school speech programs other than college or university programs. Qualifying schools have excellent curricular and extracurricular speech opportunities.

  1. Nomination Guidelines:
    1. State the school’s name and mailing address.
    2. Identify the speech teacher (s) directing the program.
    3. List members in professional speech organizations.
    4. State the school’s speech philosophy.
    5. Describe the curricular speech program.
    6. Describe the co-curricular speech program.
    7. Describe how the school has contributed to the promotion of speech communication education in the area or in the state.
    8. Describe how the speech program director has contributed to the promotion of speech communication education in the area or the state.
    9. Nominations should be sent to the executive director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    b. The Tacey Award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the PCA Vice President or his/her designee.

Section 7.  The Julia T. Wood Teacher/Scholar Award will be presented to a nationally renowned teacher/scholar during the annual PCA convention. The award recipient will:

  1. Hold a Bachelors degree or a Doctorate degree from a Pennsylvania college or university.
    b. Currently be a resident of a state other than Pennsylvania.
    c. Be nationally recognized as a senior scholar and outstanding teacher in the field of communication.
    d. Serve as the keynote speaker at the Pennsylvania Communication Association Annual Conference Banquet. He/she will receive transportation to and lodging at the conference, and a stipend.
    e. Nomination guidelines:
    1. The Executive Director will send a letter soliciting a nomination to all colleges and universities in the state of Pennsylvania with Bachelors and Doctorate communication programs.
    2. The nomination must include a letter of reference and a curriculum vita.
    3. Nominations should be sent to the PCA Executive Director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    4. The Executive Director will compile the nomination information and forward it to the PCA Executive Committee.
    5. The PCA Executive Committee renders the final decision on the recipient of this award.

Section 8.  The Speaker of the Year Award recipient is chosen by the Vice President and approved by the Executive Committee during the semi-annual business meeting prior to convention. This PCA Award honors Pennsylvanians who excel at public speaking.

  1. The Speaker of the Year Award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the PCA Vice President or his/her designee.

Section 9.  The Voices of Tomorrow College Communicator of the Year Award is to recognize excellent communicators at the college level. The nominator of this award must be a PCA member. The award is presented to a Pennsylvania college student who:

  1. Excels in curricular and extracurricular communication (including speech or media) work.
    b. Uses communication skills in a service capacity.
    c. Demonstrates promise of future leadership through communication.
    d. Nomination Guidelines:
    1. The nominator must be a PCA member.
    2. Submit a resume of the nominee’s academic and extracurricular record.
    3. any additional supporting material the nominator deems relevant.
    4. Nominations should be sent to the executive director by explaining the commitment to the award requirements listed.
    b. The Voice of Tomorrow Award will be presented during the annual PCA convention by the PCA President or a designee of the President.


Parliamentary authority for this organization will be either Robert’s Rules of Order.


Amendments to these by-laws require a two-thirds vote at the yearly convention business meeting, providing that notice of such amendment is published in the NEWSLETTER announcing the convention or if such notice is sent to the membership separate from the NEWSLETTER at least thirty days prior to the convention.

These by-laws, approved by the members on the ballot due September 15, 1987, became effective on October 1, 1987.

Amendment History:

October 1989
October 1991
October 1992
October 1993
October 1994
October 1995
October 1997
October 1999
October 2000
October 2002
October 2003
October 2009
October 2015